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Software for last mile deliveries explained. Part 2: Cloud dispatching dashboards.

Software is transforming the interaction between delivery businesses, customers and partners. In part 2 of the last mile logistics series, we’re looking at the role of cloud dispatching dashboards for delivery businesses.

Simon Schoen
February 20, 2020
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The cloud-based dispatching dashboard is the control center of every modern delivery business.

In our Software Explained series we’re looking at how software is transforming mobility and logistics and how digitalisation is shaping the interaction between businesses, customers and partners. In part 2 of the last mile logistics series, we’re looking at the role of cloud dispatching dashboards for the industry.

As discussed in part 1 of our series, a fully connected delivery workforce is integral for last mile deliveries to work, as logistics processes need to stay fully transparent and be able to react quickly to unforeseen changes, in order to stay efficient. The management dashboard is the place where all of the information from your fleet and customers comes together to get processed and assigned – it’s basically the brain of the whole operation. Other than traditional delivery management and logistics software, cloud-based dispatching with smart routing and real-time fleet management dashboards are accessible from any device at any time and they can receive updates automatically. A significant advantage in today’s mobile workplace. Here’s how cloud-based dashboards further help delivery businesses excel at their work:

Automated dispatching happens in the cloud

Without any delay, data from the mobile apps of your drivers gets transmitted to your system’s backend. Through the power of sophisticated algorithms, new incoming orders can be automatically matched with your nearest available drivers in a matter of seconds, saving you precious minutes in your response time. You can select the parameters of the automatic dispatching process – should there be a short delay before an order is dispatched? In which radius should your delivery workforce be located in, in order to receive order? And much more.

That being said, dispatchers retain full control over the whole dispatching process at any time  to adjust operations to individual requirements. If an order needs to be reassigned, this can be done in seconds via an intuitive interface that shows the exact route on a map next to your drivers locations. You can even select preferred drivers for selected customers, so that standing orders are always received by the same drivers. Are sudden changes needed for a driver’s delivery route? Use your cloud dashboard to easily restructure your delivery routes and contact drivers.

More transparency for your operations

Your dashboard allows you to keep an overview of all relevant logistics processes in real-time. A map view of your business areas shows you the live location of your delivery workforce. This reduces the amount of communication needed between your dispatchers and drivers, as the current location and status of your drivers is always visible. This also enables your customer support team to act faster, as all required information is immediately available. It’s easy to track every step in the delivery journey to pinpoint sources of delays. You can also immediately see proof of delivery, such as signatures and pictures, to backtrace the full journey of a package.

Your dashboard is your place to manage your whole operations fleet, from a single driver to a sub-organisations of whole delivery marketplaces. All revenue and payout data is automatically handled in the cloud. This also makes it easy to automatically pay out your drivers and partner organisations according to your schedule.

A cloud based operations system is also the easiest way for you to make the most out of your data and to connect to all kinds of additional systems and software tools that can elevate your business. Using mobile analytics software, data from your apps is collected, so you can dive deep into reports and analysis to calculate important metrics, such as the average delivery time, orders per person in your delivery fleet and, of course, revenue calculations.

What’s the best way for logistics companies to launch their own last mile service with cloud-based dispatching dashboards?

Cloud dashboards are just one part of a complex infrastructure that powers digital delivery businesses. The software architecture powering everything, the servers that receive and process all data and your mobile apps are just as important in the last mile technology toolbox. That is why last mile delivery businesses looking for mobile-first software solutions should consider technology providers that can provide complete systems from the point of creating an order to completing an order on the road.

MotionTools Delivery Software uses the latest logistics technology to provide secure interfaces and apps that can be customised to fit the needs of individual logistics businesses. Learn more about our end-to-end software for same-hour, last-mile and long-haul deliveries here or send us a message to request a personal demo.

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