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5 question for Hannah, Head of People at MotionTools.

“As a Head of People my goal is to cultivate and scale MotionTools environment to create the most rewarding experience for every member of our team.” Learn more about Hannah's experience and how she is managing to read 100 books in one year.

Johannes Schubert
October 21, 2021
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Hannah Fuhrmann - Head of People

What attracted you to join MotionTools?

Personally, there were three main reasons for me to say yes. First of all, I believe in our product and love the industry. Secondly, MotionTools is in a really interesting phase as a company. We are growing and as a Head of People this gives me the opportunity to have a real impact! Attracting, hiring and developing the right people for our tribe is key to be sustainable and have long-term success.

Thirdly, the mindset of the leadership is remarkable: There is no desire for hierarchy but to develop the talents of our team, valuing the different perspectives of the team members and growing MotionTools in a healthy way. It also impressed me how structured and organized the team is. This is not a given for a startup!

What's your vision as M‑TRIBES first Head of People?

They say culture eats strategy for breakfast. And I have to acknowledge that my colleagues at MotionTools have already built up something truly remarkable: An environment that is trust-based and features high level of responsibility and freedom. As a Head of People my goal is to cultivate and scale this environment to create the most rewarding experience for every member of our team: whether remote or onsite by offering personal development opportunities, attracting and hiring the right people to grow our tribe and doing a great variety of activities that help to strengthen our culture.

Remote or in the office. What is your thing?

My responsibility are our people! Therefore, I love being in the office surrounded by the team!  At the same time, for interviews with candidates and for certain creative work I enjoy our remote option. I value the freedom of choosing what type of environment fits best to my schedule and not to be forced to be in the office just because that has always been the case. My plan is to work fully remote for a couple of weeks next year which will allow me to experience first-hand the needs and perspective of our fully remote team members.

What are you looking most forward to?

We are growing! It is a true joy finding the people that will compliment our team and see them develop. Secondly, we are planning a team offsite with the entire team at a sunny location beginning of next year. That is truly a big highlight I am looking forward to! Personally, I have grown the most when I was given a project that was beyond my comfort zone and collaborated with team members that offer different skills than myself. This has has usually fruitful and rewarding and I can already sense that it will be similar at MotionTools!

Your challenge for 2021 is to read a 100 books and you are currently at 75. How do you manage that?

The lockdown really helped. ;) I was always an avid reader and tested the water of reading 70 books in 2020. It felt like a good stretch to increase the goal for 2021. I am a big fan of the public library and love reading "real" books. My secret is to have a book with me at all times: While commuting, on the way to meeting friends and having piles of books across my apartment. Also, when I enjoy one book by an author I look for more books by the same author. For example, this was the case with Dave Eggers. I also enjoy reading a variety of genre and authors from around the world! Basically, go with your interest and not with "what one should read".  One book that really changed my perspective this year is "Factfulness" by Hans Rösling. It shares "Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think" and you will see the world differently after reading the book - I promise!

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